Walking Milestone: Should Babies Wear Shoes Before 1?

Can Baby Wear Shoes Before 1 year old ?

Can baby wear shoes before 1 year old? It’s exciting to watch your baby grow and develop new skills. One of the most anticipated milestones is those first steps. However, with all the adorable baby shoes on the market, you might wonder if shoes are necessary before your baby starts walking. The answer is generally no. Here’s a look at why barefoot is best for pre-walkers and when shoes might be a good idea.

Barefoot Benefits for Pre-walkers

There are several advantages to letting your baby explore the world barefoot before they can walk. Here are some of the most important:

Foot Development:

Bare feet allow for better growth and development of the foot muscles and bones. Shoes can restrict this development.

Sensory Exploration:

Feeling different textures with their bare feet helps babies learn about their environment. Shoes can mute these sensations.

Balance and Coordination:

Bare feet provide better sensory feedback from the ground, which helps babies develop balance and coordination skills.

Baby Shoes Before 1 Year? Experts Weigh In.

When Might Shoes Be Appropriate?

While barefoot is generally best, there are some situations where shoes might be a good idea for pre-walkers:

  • Cold Weather: If it’s cold outside, booties or socks with skid-resistant soles can help keep your baby’s feet warm.

  • Hot Weather: In very hot weather, shoes can protect your baby’s feet from hot pavement or sand.

  • Rough or Uneven Terrain: If you’ll be spending time outdoors on rough or uneven terrain, shoes can help protect your baby’s feet from scrapes and injuries.

Choosing Shoes for Pre-walkers

If you do decide to get shoes for your pre-walker, here are some tips for choosing the right ones:

  • Size: The shoes should fit snugly but allow for some wiggle room. Your baby’s toes should be able to move freely.

  • Flexibility: The soles should be flexible and bend easily. Rigid soles can hinder your baby’s natural walking development.

  • Material: Choose shoes made from breathable materials like leather or canvas.

  • Fasteners: Look for shoes with easy-to-use fasteners like velcro or elastic laces. This will make it easier to put the shoes on and take them off.

Remember: Shoes are not necessary for pre-walkers and can actually hinder foot development. If you do choose to get shoes, prioritize flexibility and a good fit over style.

Barefoot is best for most pre-walkers. This allows for natural foot development, sensory exploration, and balance development. Shoes may be necessary in some situations, but prioritize flexibility and fit when choosing them.

Exploring the World Barefoot

There’s a whole world to discover for your pre-walker, and experiencing it barefoot offers unique advantages:

  • Stronger Feet: Bare feet allow the muscles and bones in your baby’s feet to grow and develop naturally. Shoes can restrict this development.

  • Sensory Play: Feeling different textures with their bare feet helps babies learn about their surroundings. Shoes can mute these sensations.

  • Balance Buddies: Bare feet provide better sensory feedback from the ground, which helps babies develop balance and coordination skills they’ll need for walking later.

Safety First: When Shoes Might Be Needed

Can baby wear shoes before 1 year old? While barefoot is generally best, there are times when shoes might be a good idea for pre-walkers:

  • Keeping Toes Toasty: If it’s cold outside, booties or socks with skid-resistant soles can help keep your baby’s feet warm.

  • Hot Pavement Patrol: In very hot weather, shoes can protect your baby’s feet from hot pavement or sand.

  • Rough Terrain: If you’ll be spending time outdoors on rough or uneven terrain, shoes can help protect your baby’s feet from scrapes and injuries.

Choosing the Right Shoes for Pre-walkers

If you decide to get shoes for your pre-walker, here are some tips for choosing the right ones:

  • Perfect Fit: The shoes should fit snugly but allow for some wiggle room. Your baby’s toes should be able to move freely.

  • Bendable Best: The soles should be flexible and bend easily. Rigid soles can hinder your baby’s natural walking development.

  • Breathable Materials: Choose shoes made from materials like leather or canvas that allow air to circulate.

  • Easy On, Easy Off: Look for shoes with easy-to-use fasteners like velcro or elastic laces. This will make it easier to put the shoes on and take them off.

Remember: Barefoot is best for most pre-walkers and allows for natural foot development. If you do choose shoes, prioritize flexibility and a good fit over style.

Myth Busters: Debunking Shoe Needs for Pre-walkers

There are some common misconceptions about pre-walkers needing shoes. Let’s clear them up:

  • Myth: Shoes help babies walk sooner.

  • Fact: Bare feet actually allow for better development of the muscles and nerves in the feet, which can contribute to natural walking progression.

  • Myth: Shoes offer better ankle support for pre-walkers.

  • Fact: Strong ankles develop naturally through movement and weight-bearing activities. Bare feet allow for better balance and coordination, strengthening the ankles over time.

Beyond Shoes: Encouraging Healthy Foot Development

Here are some things you can do to promote healthy foot development in your pre-walker:

  • Let them explore barefoot whenever possible. This allows them to feel different textures and strengthen their foot muscles.
  • Choose socks with skid-resistant soles for slippery surfaces. This can help prevent falls while still allowing for some sensory exploration.
  • Pick appropriate footwear when shoes are necessary. Focus on flexibility, breathability, and a good fit.

Encouraging Exploration and Play: Activities for Pre-Walkers

Can baby wear shoes before 1 year old? Barefoot exploration is a great way for pre-walkers to learn and develop. Here are some ideas for activities that encourage safe exploration:

  • Sensory Playtime: Create a sensory bin filled with different textures like dried beans, crinkled paper, or fabric scraps. Let your baby explore the bin with their bare feet.

  • Tummy Time on Different Surfaces: Tummy time is important for strengthening neck and back muscles. Provide a variety of safe surfaces for tummy time, like a blanket on the grass or a play mat with different textures.

  • Obstacle Courses: Create a safe obstacle course using pillows, blankets, and boxes. Let your baby crawl and explore the course barefoot.

  • Sing and Dance: Play music and sing songs that encourage movement. Let your baby move and groove to the music barefoot.

These activities provide opportunities for exploration, sensory development, and physical activity, all of which are important for pre-walkers.


While adorable baby shoes are tempting, it’s important to prioritize your pre-walker’s foot development. In most cases, barefoot is best. When shoes are needed, choose them carefully to avoid hindering natural growth.